"Born That Way" is a 5 x 7-inch oil on metal painting in a wooden gold frame, included in the blog image. My reflection on defining worth inspired it. This painting, along with a 4 x 8-inch oil on cradled metal painting, titled "She Said, and Now" will be at the JKR Gallery's show, 'Handscapes," in Provo, Utah, from April 2 through April 30.
Funny how we are continually being recycled into soil at our base biology, be it with our breath or our poop. The longer I am alive, see the turning of the seasons, watch the rise and fall of fellow terrestrials, watch movements evolve and dissolve, see children transform and parents dissolve, I see the cyclical nature of our very existence. Anything stable is just one moment, one encounter. The circumstances in that one moment will never arise, just like it again.
So what did I learn in one hundred days? Over the arc of the project, I experienced much of the technical development I expected. I honed sketching skills, developed my understanding of watercolor, and explored the use of color, but I also met my deeply personal narratives. I did not expect to meet my story.