Inside Utah artist, Candace McLane’s Studio

  • 15 Love Letters for You

    "May You Be Safe," "May You Be Healthy," "May You Feel the Devotion of Your Heart" are just a few of the titles from the "Written in Flowers" series releasing Friday, April 16th at 4 pm MT. These paintings and their titles take their origin in lovingkindness practice and the Victorian meanings of flowers.
  • 7 BRAVING steps to Being the Light courageous and have intimate conversations with people with different points of view. Reach out to family members, community members, and friends and have vulnerable discussions. Be willing to go into the fire and listen with an open heart. Be loving to yourself, as you feel your defensiveness and fear arise. (Know that no feeling is permanent and use that to stabilize your emotional responses.) Let go of shame in what has come before and recommit to a new future. Look for common ground, our shared ideals.  Look for the better angels.
  • Kindness is Our Superpower

    Kindness. Kindness is in me. It’s nothing I’ve lost.  I carry it. I carry it in me. I can share my garden. I can leave flowers for the neighbor. I can donate to “No Kid Hungry.” I can be a witnessing ear to my friend’s woes.  I can say a kind word to a Facebook friend, with whom I don’t agree. I can feed a stray cat, pay for a stranger’s bus fare. I can vote. We are not surrounded by kindness, kindness is in us. It is our superpower. 
  • Rethinking Self Love

    “Once we remove the obstruction that has us believe, we have to try to become, we will just become... exactly what it is we are suppose to be. And those obstructions are not just our obstructions, they are a world of obstructions that have been created, that are in between us and our inherent divinity, in between us and our innate “enough-ness...”

  • Living Like Fish

    How are you? I mean really how are you?  It’s a very strange time.  Some of us believe there is a virus, others think it‘s a conspiracy... Some believe masks must be mandated, others believe their freedom is being trampled if asked to don one. Regardless of what you believe, I think we can all agree its a strange time, steeped in not knowing, steeped in separateness and disconnection.  Though we are standing beside each other, we surround ourselves with likeminded people on social media, we often unfriend people with whom we disagree.  We are truly living in bubbles - both physically and ideologically.